40.4 – An Interim, A Multitude of Words

In sum, love between man and woman
Should rather help one get to heaven.
As a good rule of thumb, before marriage,
If the prospect induces one to sin,
Well what use is the pleasure
If in hell both lovers burn?
Now, what a great meditation on avoiding this sin!
A little pleasure had, then both lovers may burn forever.
How contorted must the bodies of these be,
Embraced in hell in the fires eternally.
The “I love yous” shared all brought to naught,
For the poor lovers consenting to the sin,
Living for their pleasures, for their selves,
Have written the other through selfish intent
To die an eternal death.
Then they shall regret! Then they shall lament!

Oh Lord, if I had really loved this soul burning beside me
Then I would have died for them,
I would have killed myself to sin!
But now all the sweetness shared has all transformed to hate!
Now forever we burn consumed in flames,
Making us each other’s blame!
You’re the reason I’ve fell to sin!
You’re the reason I can’t repent!
If only we never met, then I could have had a chance!

Oh, what a terrible meditation, Father.
Sometimes, just as much a glimpse of heaven
Encourages us to rise,
A little glimpse of Hell causes us to sprint.
Father, protect us from all sin
And let us not be a cause for another’s fall.
For if we cause another to sin,
It’d be as if we’ve sinned ourselves.
How can we rise to eternal life
If upon rising we come to know
We’ve caused another to eternally die?

At that point Father, let me take their place for mine!
But… forgive me, I speak out of turn.
No, no, no, I can’t, my soul’s too weak even for small torments.
Even so, I’d pray for just a little bench in Heaven,
But Father that guilt shall haunt me,
And I may never be content until the soul I’ve damned is saved.
And this is no good, this multitude of words.
Freely, I have prayed, but I have not spoken it.
Just, let it be done,
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

40.3 – An Interim, A Multitude of Words

The world hates the Church.
For years upon years, we’ve been losing ground.
Satan shrouds our eyes so we may think to be content,
To call a scrap of moldy bread a win.
One step forward, ten steps pushing back.
The demons laugh
For unto Hell they’ve a chance to drag
Many souls to flaming depths.

But woe to them, our enemies.
They only laugh so they won’t weep.
The Church has won at Calvary.
No matter how the body’s hurt it’s healed.
What power of theirs can be greater than God’s?
The prayers and penances of one child of His
Puts away the plans of legions upon legions of demons.

Father pray, the faithful remove themselves from evil.
Let them think as you, act as you, and love as you.
Because our ways are not yours, and our thoughts are not yours,
Help us become more yours.
Let us not seek evil to judge, but seek heaven to eat.
Between man and woman,
The sacrament’s charged to help both ascend to heaven,
As two are made one flesh.
Should one fall and the other rise?
Should one rise and the other fall?
No, as one flesh, pray they rise to God.

40.2 – An Interim, A Multitude of Words

Then good is evil and evil is good.
Nobody knows where they go.
They are born into sin,
And are measured saints relative to their kin.
When all are caked as swine,
One with a speck of dirt cleaned off
Seems to have the angel’s light.
But here they all lie, born into lies
With the Scriptures in their hands,
But not the Word in their mouths.
They scoff at the testimony of saints
Who have bled and died for God’s sake.
But even those with purpled tongues,
I fear we may be too weak to the evil one.
Yes, we are God’s, but surely,
We must be God’s weakest soldiers
Given the severity of our states.

40.1 – An Interim, A Multitude of Words

Eventually, when you’re either smart or ugly enough,
You see that what they call love are really just romances of lust.
Too often, marriage is a concession for the lusting of the heart
Where one hopes to find Heaven from the flesh of one.

But let’s move on from accusing. I recant,
For I myself have known many a true love like God’s,
But nonetheless, God help you in finding love
In the mud of what they call prosperous society.

There, they are never tested, and say “I love,” without care
Like I ought to believe that they should really die for me.
In this life, I’ve only known one who died for me,
Jesus Christ at Calvary.

And if there had to be a girl, what better love than Mary’s?
The dragon comes after the remnant of her seed,
All of us who believe in He.
When attacking the church, the dragon attacks the Ark, Mary.

40 – Oh Holy Jesus

Oh holy Jesus make us new.
By your blood our sins removed.
Oh holy Jesus lift our sins.
Let us not be caged by them

Oh holy Jesus make us kin,
So through your gates we’re let in.
Oh holy Jesus lead your sheep.
Let us hear you when you speak.

Oh holy Jesus, walk with us in this life,
Walk with us when we dream,
Walk with us when we die,
Walk with us as we pass to eternal life.

39 – Oh Holy Mary Pray for Us

Oh Holy Mary pray for us,
The remnant of your seed,
Whom your Son told to thee
‘Woman, behold, your son!’

Oh Holy Mary pray for us,
The remnant of your seed,
Whom your son told John next to thee,
‘Behold, your mother!’

Oh Holy Mary pray for us,
The remnant of your seed.
Defend us from the dragon
Who wars against your children who believe.

38 – Christians Freed from Superstition

Oh Father, how many times will I have to confess.
The more sight that’s given back,
The more I see that I’m a mess.
Back when I was blind, I thought that I was fine,
But now I sprint because I see I’m far from the vine.

For too many years, without knowledge I have sinned,
To mix waters of life with pagan poisons.
I thought to find my wealth through traditions of man,
Thinking, perhaps, there may have been God in them.
But what Christian trades your faith for superstition?

What folly, it was to keep false gods by your Son,
In the mansions of my soul where only you and I belong,
So when I declared our faith, I bared false witness.
Only you can know how much your blood I’ve spilled.
Surely, surely Lord, I deserve to be killed.

But praise you, God, for your holy love.
Your mercies from above give us time to repent,
So when we pass from life to death,
From death to life we’re sent.
So since I’m still alive, Lord let me pray,
For the remainder of my days,
Free me from all pagan ways!

My ways aren’t your ways,
But help them be your ways,
So I can say, “Christ lives inside me.”
My thoughts aren’t your thoughts,
But help them be your thoughts,
So I can say, “Christ’s faith is my faith.”
In all that we do, let us be as you,
Christ and your saints.
Let dance as you,
Love as you,
Do all things as you.

37 (III) – Praise, To Model After God

On this, I sing eternally, how you’ve struck me,
Your wayward sheep with your kind iron rod.
I have sinned, gravely, and you’ve shown me mercy,
Mercy which no man, no woman, may grant.
What’s more, rather than end my life,
You have gifted me time,
Time to labor, time to pray,
Time to dance, time to love,
Time to mourn, time to cheer,
Time to repent for all I’ve done
For inducing others to fall,
For inducing myself to fall.

I can only judge because my sins
Were made known to me by your law,
But if I had to live this one life again,
I would still seek you God.
What greater delight can a man have
Than to meditate on your statutes,
To know of your judgments, your mercies,
Your sacrifice, your flesh, your blood,
Which drips continually so all may know your love?
And pray, let it not be for anyone else
To know evil by experience so one may know good.
Let us know good through good, Jesus,
By your body and by your blood.
And let it be that the more we eat thee,
We may become more like thee,
You in me, me in you,
As it was declared by God in you.

37 (II) – Praise, To Model After God

Woe to them who fashion themselves as swine,
Lowering the dignity of man through godless lies!
They’ve cast off your pearls to roll in the mud!
Every man an incubi, every woman a succubi,
The image of God, fashioned after demons, pagans!
They call themselves animals, an excuse to act like dogs,
Barking with curses, whoring without increase
Who knows how much they’ll have to strip
Before they can sniff, and tell between woman and man!

With their mouths they blaspheme God.
They have the Scriptures in their hands,
But not the Word in their mouths.
They think they have the truth,
But they are born from an evil root.
They spill your blood continually, without care,
And they induce others to fall through snares.
They sin without knowledge everywhere.
Their cups are dirtied inside and out,
Yet so dirtied they are, that one who’s
Picked but a speck of dirt off their mouths
May be mistaken as an angel
As dress, behaviors, fashions, and manners
Sink closer and closer to hell!
But God have mercy on them, on us, one me,
For I am the worst of them, for your laws I did know,
And knowingly I offended thee.

37 (I) – Praise, To Model After God

Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.
Jesus, this applies to too many people.
Every man is a saint in their own eyes,
But their ways induce envy and strife.
Of course, I am also liable to this crime,
But thank you God for your grace,
Which as we seek we’re made more like you in time.
But for our sinful ways, may the saints cry,

‘Pray, pray, pray!’

Let us cast to hell the fashions of hell.
Let us adorn ourselves in the fashions of God.
Pray we quit modelling ourselves after demons.
Pray we all fashion ourselves after your Son, Jesus.
Pray we all fashion ourselves after your saints,
Especially Mary, The Ark of the New Covenant,
For in this woman was the Son of God carried,
For in this woman’s womb did you choose to form your Son.

If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Blessed is Mary, blessed is she among women,
To have been a foundation for your Son’s birth.
If we’re to turn from Mary, what are we to do?
How can one turn to God by turning away from His Ark?
For it was written, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman,
And went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
Which keep the commandments of God,
And have the testimony of Jesus Christ.’

Behold your Mother!
Mother behold your sons!